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Mass Movement 1990 – Research Note

Mass Movement 1990 – Research Note
Contributions to Nepalese Studies
Format: Journal
Publication Date: 199007/1990
Publisher: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies
Place of Publication: Kirtipur, Nepal
Pages: 177-201
Sources ID: 126043
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

The article discusses the mass movement in Nepal in 1950 CE, and the democratic reforms that followed. It explores the background of world politics at the time, commenting that it was "the time of great upheavals" in the history of democracy and human rights. The article describes the Nepali nation and people's need for democracy. It disusses the role of people, parties, leaders like G M Singh and others, as well as international support for the democratic government. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2007-02-14)

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Contributions to Nepalese Studies