Explore Religious Studies Learning and Contemplation Subjects: Collections Zotero Collections Contemplation by Applied Subject Education and Contemplation Higher Education and Contemplation Humanities and Contemplation Religious Studies Learning and Contemplation Religious Studies Learning and Contemplation Overview Subjects 1 Sources 20 Sources Related to Religious Studies Learning and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 20 of 20) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > A meeting of minds in cyberspace: eco-contemplative methods for online teaching Awareness practices in an undergraduate Buddhism course Mindfulness and contemplative practice in art and religion Meditation in the classroom: what do the students say they learn? Field notes from a Daoist professor Training the heart responsibly: ethical considerations in contemplative teaching Reflections on theory and practice: the case of modern yoga Emotional learning: re-cognizing emotion and thought in a Buddhism course Sustaining life: contemplative pedagogies in a religion and ecology course Invitation and coercion in contemplative pedagogy Contemplative inquiry: beyond the disembodied subject Embodied contemplative learning: Aikido as a case study Meditation and education: India, Tibet, and modern America Two contemplative practices that animate the study of religion Adab: courteous behavior in the classroom Experiencing medieval Christian spirituality From content, to context, to contemplation: one professor's journey Contemplative studies: can it flourish in the religious studies classroom? The living classroom: teaching and collective consciousness Love of wisdom puts you on the spot: the warrior exam
Overview Subjects 1 Sources 20 Sources Related to Religious Studies Learning and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 20 of 20) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > A meeting of minds in cyberspace: eco-contemplative methods for online teaching Awareness practices in an undergraduate Buddhism course Mindfulness and contemplative practice in art and religion Meditation in the classroom: what do the students say they learn? Field notes from a Daoist professor Training the heart responsibly: ethical considerations in contemplative teaching Reflections on theory and practice: the case of modern yoga Emotional learning: re-cognizing emotion and thought in a Buddhism course Sustaining life: contemplative pedagogies in a religion and ecology course Invitation and coercion in contemplative pedagogy Contemplative inquiry: beyond the disembodied subject Embodied contemplative learning: Aikido as a case study Meditation and education: India, Tibet, and modern America Two contemplative practices that animate the study of religion Adab: courteous behavior in the classroom Experiencing medieval Christian spirituality From content, to context, to contemplation: one professor's journey Contemplative studies: can it flourish in the religious studies classroom? The living classroom: teaching and collective consciousness Love of wisdom puts you on the spot: the warrior exam
Sources Related to Religious Studies Learning and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 20 of 20) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > A meeting of minds in cyberspace: eco-contemplative methods for online teaching Awareness practices in an undergraduate Buddhism course Mindfulness and contemplative practice in art and religion Meditation in the classroom: what do the students say they learn? Field notes from a Daoist professor Training the heart responsibly: ethical considerations in contemplative teaching Reflections on theory and practice: the case of modern yoga Emotional learning: re-cognizing emotion and thought in a Buddhism course Sustaining life: contemplative pedagogies in a religion and ecology course Invitation and coercion in contemplative pedagogy Contemplative inquiry: beyond the disembodied subject Embodied contemplative learning: Aikido as a case study Meditation and education: India, Tibet, and modern America Two contemplative practices that animate the study of religion Adab: courteous behavior in the classroom Experiencing medieval Christian spirituality From content, to context, to contemplation: one professor's journey Contemplative studies: can it flourish in the religious studies classroom? The living classroom: teaching and collective consciousness Love of wisdom puts you on the spot: the warrior exam