Explore Buddhist Contemplation
Sources Related to Buddhist Contemplation
- An Avalokitesvara Sadhana
- Living in the face of death: the Tibetan tradition
- The teachings of padmasambhava
- The wisdom of Balahvar
- Incarnation: the history and mysticism of the tulku tradition of Tibet
- Hail Protection
- Taking the Kalachakra initiation
- The truth of the body: the liberating role of physical (and mental) boundaries in asubhabhāvanā
- Primordial Experience : An Introduction to rDzogs-chen Meditation
- Sitting and Practice: An interpretive description of the Buddhist-informed meditation practices of counselling psychologists and their clinical work
- Meditation as Ethical Activity
- Creativity and the Zen koan
- The Meditative Way : Readings in the Theory and Practice of Buddhist Meditation
- An experiment in mindfulness
- Dying, Death, and Other Opportunities
- The relation between psychological flexibility and the Buddhist practices of meditation, nonattachment, and self-compassion
- The Buddhist path to awakening: a study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiyā Dhammā
- Indian Buddhist Meditation
- Tantric Buddhism and Chinese Thought in East Asia
- The nectar of Manjushri's speech: a detailed commentary on Shantideva's Way of the Bodhisattva
- The practice of Mahamudra: the teachings of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche
- The alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India
- The six-phased yoga of the abbreviated wheel of time tantra (Laghukālacakratantra) according to Vajrapāṇi
- Food, Clothes, Dreams, and Karmic Propensities
- Sādhana (sGrub thabs): Means of Achievement for Deity Yoga
- The essentials of buddhist meditation: a classic Samatha-Vipasyana medication manual = [Xiu xi zhi guan zuo chan yao fa]: the essentials for practicing calming-and-insight and Dhyana meditation
- Boundless healing: meditation exercises to enlighten the mind and heal the body
- Wedding the Personal and Impersonal in West Coast Vipassana: A Dialogical Encounter between Buddhism and Psychotherapy
- Who is my self?: a guide to Buddhist meditation: the Potthapāda sutta, the Buddha's words on self and consciousness
- The Jātakas: birth stories of the Bodhisatta
- Ornament of stainless light: an exposition of the kālacakra tantra
- The Process of Generation of the Wishing Gem of the Ear-Whispered Teachings
- Mahamudra: The Method of Self Actualization
- Fearless at work : timeless teachings for awakening confidence, resilience, and creativity in the face of life's demands
- Literature on Consecration (Rab gnas)
- Daily recitations of preliminaries
- The wheel of time : the Kalachakra in context
- The hundred thousand songs of Milarepa: the life-story and teaching of the greatest poet-saint ever to appear in the history of Buddhism
- The Role of the Bodhicittavivaraṇa in the
- A Rite of Empowerment
- Ritual Manual for the Protective Fire Offering Devoted to Mañjuśrī, Chuin Lineage
- Ma gchig Labs sGron, a Tibetan Saint
- Turning Back Gossip
- Empowerment and the Path of Liberation
- Mind training: the great collection
- Buddhist spirituality: Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and early Chinese
- A commentary on the Kālacakra tantra
- The world of Zen; an East-West anthology
- Sayings of the Buddha: a selection of suttas from the Pali Nikāyas
- The three levels of spiritual perception: an oral commentary on The three visions (nang sum) of Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrub
- Tantra in Practice
- Cheating Death
- The best Buddhist writing 2011
- Padma Dkar-po on Integration as Ground, Path and Goal
- How to Meditate
- Visuddhimagga : the path of purification
- Old path, white clouds: walking in the footsteps of the Buddha
- Mental Purification (Blo sbyong): A Native Tibetan Genre of Religious Literature
- The Harvard Psychedelic Club: how Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, Huston Smith, and Andrew Weil killed the fifties and ushered in a new age for America
- Zen-brain reflections: reviewing recent developments in meditation and states of consciousness