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- Miscellanea Apropos of the Philosophy of Mind in Tibet: <i>Mind in Tibetan Buddhism</i> [review]
- Robert Magliola, <i>Derrida on the Mend</i>, Purdue University Press, 1984 [review]
- The Leopard's Spoor: some reflections on Tibetology
- Points of View on Halase: A Holy Place in East Nepal
- Two Grub mtha' Treatises of Sa-skya Paṇḍita -- One Lost and One Forged
- Macro Exchanges: Tibetan Economics and the Roles of Politics and Religion
- The Buddhist "Cosmos" in Tibetan Tradition
- Buddhists, Christians and Liberation: A Focus for Interreligious Dialogue
- The Indian Origins of the Lam-rim of Central Asia
- Some Aspects of the Tulku Tradition in Tibet
- Mi-la Ras-pa's Trial of the Towers and the Tantric Ritual of the sbyin-sreg
- The Byang-gter and Other Phur-pa Traditions: Reflections on Martin J. Boord's <i>The Cult of the Deity Vajrakila, According to the Northern Treasures Tradition of Tibet (Byang-gter phur-ba)</i> [review]
- Tsongkhapa's Bell, Bell's Inequality and Madhyamika Emptiness
- Tibetan Homa Rites According to the <i>gTer ma</i> Tradition
- Facets of Tibetan Traditional Theatre
- Reexamining Choice, Dependency and Command in the Tibetan Social System: Tax Appendages and Other Landless Serfs
- Buddhist Ideologies Transmuted in Stupas
- Tibetan Buddhism in Russia
- Ḍākini: Some Comments on Its Nature and Meaning
- Early Tibetan Paper Money
- An Introduction to the Index of <i>gZi-bRjid</i> and <i>gZer-Mig</i>
- The Early Rulers of Tibet: Their Lineage and Burial Rights
- Tibetan Mādhyamika Psychology and its Indian Context
- Events Surrounding a Painting of the 13th Dalai Lama
- On the Relationships of Emptiness and Dependent Arising: Some dGe-lugs-pa Views
- The Western Study of Tibetan Culture: Its Significance and Present Status
- Paths and Progress: Some Thoughts on Don grub rgyal's <i>A Threadlike Path</i>
- Discussion on the Ancient Tibetan Sciences, Religion, and Race
- Bonpo Canons and Jesuit Cannons
- Namgyal Dratsang
- A Note on Gnyal zhig 'Jam pa'i rdo rje' the Author of a Handwritten Sher phyin Commentary from about 1200
- Tibetan Translation of Pāṇini-Vyākaraṇa Sutrās, Mahābhāṣya, Kāśikā, Prakriyā-Kaumudī and Siddhānta-Kaumudī: A Comparative Study
- Language, Tradition and the Tibetan Bible
- Traditional Envionmental Protectionism in Tibet Reconsidered
- Fragments of a 'Golden' Manuscript of Saskya Paṇḍita's Works
- Some Objective Conditions for Cultural Creativity in Medieval Tibet
- Selected Tibetan Proverbs
- The Ritual of Consecration
- Poems of a Young Tibetan
- The Assassination of Tri Ralpachen and Lang Darma
- Bhavaviveka's Abridged Meaning of the Middle Position
- The Role of "Treasure Discoverers" and Their Writings in the Search for Himalayan Scared Lands
- Tibetan Literature on Dreams: Materials for a Bibliography
- The Meaning of Liberation: Representations of Tibetan Women
- The Spread of Tibetan Buddhism in the West
- Sacred Geography and Individual in Central Tibet: Terdrum Sanctuary, A Training Path Within the Drikung Mandala
- Is There Folk-Theatre in Tibet?
- Tsarong II, the Hero of Chaksam, and the Modernisation Struggle in Tibet, 1912-1931
- A Regional Chronicle of Gu ge pu hrang [review]
- Kun-ga Gyal-Tsen's 'Life of the Dalai Lama 1: The Twelve Wonderous Deeds of Omniscient Gen-Dun Drub'
- Kanum, the Village of Alexander Csoma de Körös, a Narrative of Werner Hoffmeister
- A Critical Edition of the Tibetan Translation with Restoration in Sanskrit Brda-sprod-pa-pa-ni-ni'i-mdo
- A Brief Analysis of Some Important Chronological Events in the History of Buddhism and Tibet
- The Biographical Tradition of Milarepa: Orality, Literacy and Iconography
- Muslims in Western Ladakh
- Buddhist Interpretation of Dreams
- Lady World and the Priest-King John
- Some Random Reflections on the Study of Tibetan Madhyamaka
- Cataloguing Tibet's Literary Heritage
- The Blue Lake of A mdo and Its Island: Legends and Pilgrimage Guide