Explore Sera Monastery
Sources Related to Sera Monastery
- Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
- Himalayan Art Resources
- Down with the Demoness: Reflection on a Feminine Ground in Tibet
- se ra dgon pa dang /_de phyag 'debs pa po byams chen chos rje'i byung ba mdo tsam gleng ba/
- se ra'i rta mgrin yang gsang gi sku'i yon tan cha shas tsam brjod pa dad pa'i 'jug ngogs/
- se ra'i nye 'khor gyi gnas ri ri khrod 'ga' zhig gi ngo sprod mdor bsdus/
- rje thams cad mkhyen pa tsong kha pa chen po'i rnam thar go sla bar brjod pa bde legs kun kyi byung gnas/
- se ra theg chen gling /
- ser dgon phur pa'i lo rgyus rags tsam brjod pa/
- dben gnas khyad du 'phags pa se ra chos sdings/
- dpal mnyams med ri bo dga' ldan pa'i lugs kyi zhal 'don phyog bsgrigs dgos pa kun tshang /
- 'dul ba mdo rtsa ba'i rnam bshad nyi ma 'od zer legs bshad lung gi rgya mtsho/
- Path to the Middle: Oral Madhyamika Philosophy in Tibet
- lha sa'i dgon tho rin chen spungs rgyan/
- A History of Modern Tibet 1913-1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State
- The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History
- Labrang: A Tibetan Buddhist Monastery at the Crossroads of Four Civilizations
- A Tibetan Principality: The Political System of Sa sKya
- The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk
- The Cult of Tārā: Magic and Ritual in Tibet
- The Hermitages of Sera
- A Portrait of Lost Tibet
- The Life of Milarepa
- tshad ma'i gzhung don 'byed pa'i bsdus grwa rnam par bshad pa rigs lam 'phrul gyi lde mig las rigs lam chung bar tags rigs kyi skor/
- dbu ma la 'jug pa'i rgya cher bshad pa dgongs pa rab gsal/
- se ra dgon pa'i gnas bshad dang rje byams chen chos rje'i rnam thar kun las btus pa 'khrul bral rab gsal me long /
- History of the Monastic University Se-ra-theg-chen-gling
- Entrance Gate for the Wise (Section III): Sa-skya Paṇḍita on Indian and Tibetan Traditions of Pramāṇa and Philosophical Debate
- The Struggle for Modern Tibet: The Autobiography of Tashi Tsering
- Scholasticism: Cross Cultural and Comparative Perspectives
- Tibetan Civilization
- A Lamp Illuminating the History of Dargye Monastery
- Answers: Discussions with Western Buddhists
- bod brgyud nang bstan lha tshogs chen mo/
- bka' gdams kyi rnam par thar pa bka' gdams chos 'byung gsal ba'i sgron me/
- rgyun mgo'i cho ga phyag len sna tshogs/
- Rethinking Visual Anthropology
- Enlightened Beings: Life Stories from the Ganden Oral Tradition
- 'jam mgon chos kyi rgyal po chen tsong kha pa chen po rnam thar thub bstan mdzas pa'i rgyan gcig ngo mtshar nor bu'i 'phreng ba/
- Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet
- A Short History of Tibet
- Autobiography of Former Abbot of Sera Jé Kangyurwa Lozang Tupten
- <i>A History of Modern Tibet</i>, Volume 2: <i>The Calm before the Storm, 1951-55</i>
- Liberation in Our Hands
- Sino-Tibetan Relations in the Seventeenth Century
- History of Tibet by the Fifth Dalai Lama of Tibet
- Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities
- Recognizing Reality: Dharmakīrti's Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretations
- Dimore Umane, Santuari Divini (Origini sviluppo e diffusione dell'architettura tibetana)
- Art et Archéologie du Tibet
- yul nyer bzhi'i ya rgyal/_de bi ko ti dang ming gzhan pha bong kha byang chub shing gi nags khrod du bkod pa'i dkar chag dad ldan padmo rgyas byed gzi sbyin 'od stong 'bar ba'i nor bu/
- Lectures on Tibetan Religious Culture
- rnam grol rtsangs rdo dmar ba'i gdung rabs lo rgyus deb ther padma ra ga'i/
- Tabo, a Lamp for the Kingdom: Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalayas
- Buddhist Monastic Discipline: The Sanskrit Pratimokṣa Sūtras of the Mahāsāṃghikas and Mūlasarvāstivādins
- Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary
- The Lhasa Atlas: Traditional Tibetan Architecture and Townscape
- Adventures of a Tibetan Fighting Monk
- dpal ri bo dga' ldan pa'i chos spyod sna tshogs kyi 'grel ba phyogs bsgrigs/
- grwa sa chen po bzhi dang rgyud pa stod smad chags tshul pad dkar 'phreng ba/